Lancy Barboza, MD, Flomic Global Logistics Ltd on the recent Union budget
Massive thrust on capex, strengthening the infrastructure and policies to support the survival and growth of MSME have been some of the key focus area

Massive thrust on capex, strengthening the infrastructure and policies to support the survival and growth of MSME have been some of the key focus area of the budget 2022-23. Push on infrastructure via PM Gati Shakti will provide the much-needed push to the infrastructure development. Expansion of highway by 20,000 km will provide greater connectivity and help the industrial growth in India. The multi modal approach enable in better last mile connectivity. The Vibrant Villages program will enable in bridging the gap between the rural and urban India.
The data exchange proposed amongst all mode operators under the Unified Logistics Interface Platform will enable efficient movement of goods through different modes and reducing logistics cost thus making businesses more efficient. The massive thrust on the capex spending, and a big push to infrastructure development with focus in rural India is clearly highlight of this budget and will go a long way in fulfilling the aatma nirbhar dream.