MEP receives the Letter of Appointed Date from NHAI forVadape to ThaneHybrid Annuity project

MEP Infrastructure Developers Ltd. announced that it has received the letter of appointed date from the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) for the 8 laning of existing 4-lane Vadape to Thane from km 539.202 to km 563.000 section of NH-3 (new NH-848) in the State of Maharashtra to be executed on Hybrid Annuity Mode. Total Length 23.798 kms.
MEP had achieved financial closure for this project in terms of the concession agreement executed with NHAI, by tying up project finance of Rs. 567.78 crore. YES bank is the lead banker to this project.
The foundation stone was laid at the hands of Shri DevendraFadnavis, Hon’ble Chief Minister, Government of Maharashtra, and was presided by Shri NitinGadkari, Hon’ble Union Minister of Road Transport, Highways and Shipping, Government of India in the gracious presence of Shri. Chandrakantdada Patil Hon’ble Minister of Revenue & Public Works Department (Excluding Public Undertakings), Govt. of Maharashtraand Shri. EknathShinde Hon’ble Minister of Public Works (Public Undertakings), Health & Guardian Minister, Dist. Thane, Govt. of Maharashtra, on January 24th, 2019 at Dive Anjur in Thane district. The ceremony witnessed a large gathering of people including senior government officials, ministers, bankers, delegates and the media.