Perkins Aurangabad celebrates the production of its 10,000th 4000 Series engine

Perkins’ Aurangabad facility has achieved a major milestone after its 10,000th 4000 Series engine rolled off the production line.
Initially built to meet customer demand across Asia for the complete range of 750 to 2500 kVA 4000 Series engines, the state-of-the-art production facility now serves Perkins’ customers around the world.
Located at the Shendra Industrial Estate in Aurangabad, India, equipment powered by Perkins Aurangabad built engines currently generate reliable power solutions for hospitals, airports, universities, real estate, data centres and large manufacturing industries.
The 10,000th engine to come off the line was a 4012; one of 530 different variants that can be produced on the manufacturing line, which first started production in October 2015.
“This a great achievement for the Aurangabad facility and team, but it also represents a significant milestone for our customers,” said Abhinav Gupta, Perkins general sales manager for South Asia. “Ten thousand 4000 Series engines built in Aurangabad are now providing vital standby and prime power to customers around the world—helping to provide warmth and light to places such as hospitals, small villages and other manufacturing companies.”
Employees at the Aurangabad facility celebrated the auspicious moment as the 10,000th engine came off the production line with coconut breaking, followed by the cutting of a cake.
“We are overjoyed to have achieved this important milestone,” said Jawed Ahmed, facility manager. “These engines are meeting our customers’ needs in the field and are a testimony to the hard work and dedication of our employees at Aurangabad. Throughout the end-to-end process, our employees put ‘quality first’ for our customers while relentlessly pursuing manufacturing excellence.”