Rajesh Gupta, Founder,Director, Nupur Recyclers, pens down his expectations from the upcoming union budget
We urge the government to continue with zero duty on all types of scrap imports

The voluntary scrappage policy was announced a year ago. This was done in order to phase out polluting and unfit vehicles. Additionally, from a business standpoint, these will benefit the automobile and recycling industries. As part of India’s metal recycling industry, we feel that the government must look at establishing a “Think Tank” comprised of government representatives and industry bodies to help ensure the successful implementation of this policy.
Secondly, the import duty on ferrous scrap imports was reduced to “zero” percent till March 31, 2022. In this year’s budget, we urge the government to continue with zero duty on “all types of scrap imports” for the next year or so, as this has proven to be highly beneficial for the metal recycling sector.”