TK Elevator again tops CDP climate ranking

Once again, TK Elevator has received an impressive score on climate protection from the rating organization CDP. For the second time in a row, the company was rated “A” in the world’s largest climate ranking.
“We are proud of our repeated top placing, and delighted that our focus on sustainable products and services and particularly our commitment and progress towards fewer CO2 emissions is being recognized in this way. With the development and implementation of innovative and resource-saving mobility solutions, TK Elevator is contributing to a sustainable future. The commitment to reducing our ecological footprint is firmly anchored in our corporate culture,” explains Peter Walker, CEO of TK Elevator.
TK Elevator has set itself ambitious sustainability targets: The company strives to become climate-neutral by 2050 at the latest and thus supports the “Business Ambition for 1.5°C” initiative, which is based on the Paris Agreement goals. Today, a large proportion of the
company’s own emissions are caused by its vehicle fleet. These will be significantly reduced by the conversion to electric and hybrid vehicles which is already underway as well as through digitally controlled route optimizations. Moreover, by 2030, electricity is to be used only from renewable sources. At the same time, innovative products and services such as energy-efficient elevators and escalators, the cloud-based digital platform MAX or the space-saving TWIN elevator system are helping to increase resource efficiency and to reduce CO2 emissions
throughout the value chain. Further details on TK Elevator´s sustainability performance are being featured in CDP´s “Stories of change”.
TK Elevator has been participating in the CDP reporting since becoming independent in 2020, providing relevant interest groups with transparent information about its climate protection
strategy and measures to reduce CO2 emissions. CDP Climate Scores are awarded annually on a scale from “A” (best result) to “D”.